We all have our favorite Hollywood actors and actresses. We remember them in their iconic films and sometimes ask ourselves “Where are they now?”. Well, Dutch graphic designer, Ard Gelinck took that question and applied it to several amazing “then and now” style portraits. Imagine seeing Jim Carrey as he looks today standing alongside his Dumb & Dumber character Lloyd Christmas or Sylvester Stallone with Rocky. Well, that is precisely what Ard Gelinck photoshopped photos are all about and they look incredible.
The Photoshop artist has been doing this sort of photo manipulation for about a decade. His collection of young stars in their most memorable role standing with a current photo is an interesting study into how we all change over time. We tend to forget that our favorite Hollywood icon has aged since their big hit. We don’t always picture them as aging beyond what we see on the silver screen. Well, thanks to Ard Gelinck, we get to see the past and the present merged into a single photo. It’s a rather cool concept that shows us two sides to each actor or actress that has been the subject of a photo.
More info: Instagram
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