Call him a little devil if you must. To the producers at Studio Ghibli where this Calcifer lives, it would very likely be taken as a compliment. Besides, if you are a fan of the film work of Hayao Miyazaki, you probably would find this Calcifer frying pan something that your kitchen is missing without one. The fire demon from the film “Howl’s Moving Castle” is the subject of the frying pan as it features what looks like a cute flame with a face in it. You could say it is a hot little number but in reality, you would be using it for such kitchen items as pancakes, and who wouldn’t be amused to see that flaming face staring back from a stack of flapjacks?
Made of your typical non-stick material, this Calcifer frying pan will do exactly as you would expect any other ordinary frying pan to do on the stovetop. The main difference you may find is that this is not a big item. So forget about making large pancakes with it. If you prefer your breakfast flapjacks in the medium-size range, then this will do the job for you. If you have children in your family, they will love the face that gets embossed on their fried food. Try it with omelets or any other item you need to pour into a frying pan to cook before eating. It is easy to clean and store away until you need to use it again. Just don’t hide it as you never know what that sneaky little Calcifer can get into if left unattended! Check price on Amazon!