Totoro is reminiscent of the popular 1988 movie, My Neighbor Totoro, which is considered as one of the most famous animated films in Japan. The movie, which was written by Hayao Miyazaki and animated at Studio Ghibli, stars a giant spirit called Totoro. Inspired by this animated movie character, an elderly Japanese couple created the full-size replica of the movie’s bus stop as a surprise for their grandchildren – and it soon became a major tourist attraction in Miyazaki and Japan as a whole.
Since the world first got wind of the Totoro Bus Stop existence through social media posts and photos, more and more people are visiting the agricultural town just to see the attraction with their own eyes. If you’re a fan of the My Neighbor Totoro movie or are passing through Miyazaki Prefecture while touring Japan, make a point of visiting the real-life Totoro Bus Station replica near Takaharu town.
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