Just about every artist attempts a self-portrait at some point. Some painters take things to the next level with their paintings. The series of Seamus Wray self portraits take an entirely new approach to the idea of artists painting themselves. Seamus is a Chicago-based artist who has captured the hearts and minds of the internet with his series of self-portraits. What started as just a single picture became five as Seamus painted himself, then painted himself painting himself, then did a painting where he captured himself doing that painting, and so on.
The Seamus Wray self portraits were shared all across Reedit, with the fifth in the series being upvoted in record time. Seamus explains that he saw the paintings as something of a social experiment – he wanted to get the audience involved and leave them wondering if, and when, he would include another layer in the series. He never expected the pictures to become as viral as they did, but is no doubt happy about it. Seamus says he plans to continue doing self-portraits and, in his own words, whatever else he wants. It would certainly be a waste if he stopped painting, given how skilled he clearly is!
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