Looking to add something special to your living room or desk that will get everyone around you talking and provide hours of interest? If so, then you should take a look at this EcoSphere. It’s basically a small self-sustaining world that you can put anywhere you want and watch it grow. This comes with around 8 marine shrimp, algae, and other micro-organisms. Made from hand-blown glass, these spheres offer an enclosed self-sustaining world for the shrimp to live in.
It’s easy enough to understand how this closed aquatic ecosystem works. Basically, a closed ecosystem is self-sustaining in that it recycles all the nutrients and there’s no excessive waste. The indirect light keeps the algae growing so that it can sustain the micro-organisms, which help sustain the shrimp. There’s no need to provide any extra food or water. Each EcoSphere comes with a replacement, recharge or upgrades as necessary just in case something goes wrong. Check price on Amazon!