Pokemon Characters As Monsters

This Artist Reimagined Pokemon Characters As Frightening Monsters

Is the first emotion you feel when you mention Pokemon fear? Of course not. It’s hard to imagine anything less frightening than those cute Pokemon we all grew up with. However, one person is portraying the Pokemon characters as monsters, and horrifying ones at that. Introducing David Szilagyi, the man behind the creation of these nightmarish creatures. David used to work as a concept artist for video game companies, but he realized that wasn’t his passion and that he’d much rather turn cute creatures into ghastly beasts. Even though he transitioned away from video game design, you can see that his art is heavily influenced by popular games such as Final Fantasy series and Silent Hill, which he also says he grew up with.

While Pokemon was aimed at children when it initially launched, the first customers of the game were actually young adults in their twenties. After the huge worldwide success of the game, the anime TV series came to become the most successful adaption of a video game into a TV series ever. Having said that, in the case of David’s artwork, I’m sure most people actually wouldn’t want to catch them all. If you want to ruin your childhood memories and lay awake at night, then you should definitely check out David’s portrayal of Pokemon characters as monsters. He’s done over 50 Pokemon, so there’s a high chance that your favorite Pokemon is going to haunt your dreams after viewing David’s work. So, to conclude, David certainly isn’t the first to portray cartoon characters as horrific monsters, but he’s done a good job of making sure we won’t forget him.

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O postare distribuită de David Szilagyi (@davidszilagyiart)


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O postare distribuită de David Szilagyi (@davidszilagyiart)


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O postare distribuită de David Szilagyi (@davidszilagyiart)