Tabletop gamers, whether they play Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer, or anything in-between, are always looking to further enhance their game experience. They want to find accessories and items that will bring them deeper into the game world. They buy miniatures, make maps, and now they have the chance to create their own spellbook gaming boxes.
The living materials used to make the books guarantee that no two spellbooks are the same. Even better, they are highly customizable and you can choose the leather, wood base, interior design, and the book cover art. As far as the interior goes, players can choose a rolling-tray or a card-deck style as well as the metal used for the reflecting pool and the color of the luxurious felt. It comes with a choice of removable foam insert for that added touch of comfort and class. The spellbook gaming boxes are sure to be a fun addition to any campaign. Check price on Elderwood Academy!