Famous Brands As Anime Characters

Canadian Artist Recreated Famous Brands As Anime Characters

Sillvi has a knack for turning large corporate brands into livid and colorful anime characters that capture the look and feel of the brand and its products. The Canadian artist has portrayed various famous brands as anime characters, from a wide array of industries. So, in his portfolio, you can find modern tech giants such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, but also more traditional brands such as Ford and Volkswagen. Some of them he’s said goodbye to – such as MySpace which is portrayed as a picture of an anime character like you would find at a funeral.

Sillvi first started by focusing exclusively on the most popular soda brands. Seeing as that endeavor was a huge success and caught the media’s attention, Sillvi later expanded his work to portray other famous brands as anime characters. What’s interesting about Sillvi’s work is that it allows you to form a new connection with the brand, to view them as a person and judge whether you like them or not. Of course, the interpretation is entirely subjective and you may view some brands differently, but Sillvi has put in a lot of work. He claims that for the soda project, he drank a few cans of the character’s soda before creating him or her to get a feel for the character. It would be interesting to hear from the brands themselves what they think of their anime characters. Are they satisfied? Would they like to change something in their brand image? Maybe one day they’ll comment on it.

More info: Instagram | Facebook


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