Pokémon Illustrations

Strikingly Detailed Pokémon Illustrations By Artist Kerby Rosanes

Pokémon has been around for years. It’s everywhere from anime to popular games, including the hugely popular Pokémon Go smash hit game. Pokémon is also a sensation in the art world. If you’re a true fan, you might like the highly detailed Pokémon illustrations done by Kerby Rosanes. The renowned illustrator creates popular Pokémon sketches as well as other mythical creatures and goes on to share them on his social media platforms.

Kerby Rosanes’ illustrations add a more creative angle to the popular anime. There have been other artists across the globe who have created different sketches of Pokémon in their unique styles but none seems to have redrawn Pokémon in a more intricate style than Kerby Rosanes, so far. In fact, it’s even said in the anime art world that Kerby packs more details in a small part of his work than most artists do on whole pages. The 23-year-old says he began sketching Pokémon as a hobby but has now made it his main job. He calls his work “doodles” but there’s no denying that every piece of Pokémon art he does is a masterpiece.

More info: Facebook | Instagram


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